How to Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Month

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Month

I tried to lose 10 pounds this last year to no avail. Nothing I did worked. I ate less, exercised more, ate more protein, and ate fewer carbs. No matter what I did, I saw no results on the scale. However, February 2021 was a turning point for me. In a little over a month, I lost 10 pounds without even trying. All it took was a change in my environment and a change in my habits. Your environment and your habits are the keys to losing 10 pounds in 1 month.

Change Your Environment
Because of circumstances beyond my control, I moved in with my older sister and her husband. This change of environment was one key factor in losing the weight. They are healthy eaters, so they stock their house with healthy foods and snacks. Instead of eating Doritos for my afternoon snack, I ate salami, turkey, and cheese. This change of environment was a key factor in losing 10 pounds. Most of you will not pick up your stuff and move in with a family member or friend. However, there are other ways to change your environment. Go through your pantry or refrigerator and clear out the unhealthy snacks, replacing them with healthy snacks. This is one powerful way to change your environment.

Change Your Habits
I also changed a few habits during that month. Instead of eating a high carb breakfast along with a decent sized lunch and dinner, I ate breakfast at 11 AM. I had an egg white omelette with cheese and bacon along with hash browns (proving you don’t have to go without). In the afternoon I ate salami and swiss cheese for a snack. Then every night between 6 and 7, we ate dinner. Dinner was from Sun Basket, a meal delivery service. The meals are on the Paleo plan and included some of the best food I’ve tasted. I didn’t give up everything. I still drank wine every night and ate a bowl of ice cream. What habit can you change to start you off on your journey of losing 10 to 15 pounds? Maybe the first habit to change is committing to a Paleo diet. Maybe it’s ordering Sun Basket, Hello Fresh or another healthy food delivery service. Start with one meal a day and change it up. When that habit sets, start on another one. The key to losing weight is is to change a habit, measure the results over time, and then tweak that habit or start on the next one.

February reminded me of how important our environment and our habits are for instigating any kind of change in our lives. This is a lesson I will not soon forget.
